AI Roguelite

AI Roguelite



Introducing AI Roguelite, the world’s first text-based RPG where every location, NPC, enemy, item, crafting recipe, and game mechanic is 100% determined by artificial intelligence.

If you’ve ever played other AI “games” such as AI Dungeon and were frustrated by how they didn’t feel like a game, then AI Roguelite might be the perfect game for you.

  • AI-generated entities: What weapons might you find in an underwater city? Which enemies might you find? Where else can you go from there? All these questions are answered by a GPT text generation AI, so you can explore a truly infinite world.
  • AI-generated crafting recipes: What item could you make if combining a wooden stick with a rock? What about a computer chip with a zombie brain? The AI decides which item should be produced, based on the names of the ingredients.
  • AI-generated combat: What happens when you try to attack a “terminator robot” with a “raw salmon”? There are no traditional item stats. Instead, whether an attack is successful depends entirely on its AI-generated name and description, as well as your attribute roll check (which is also AI-determined). The AI then generates a plausible story for what happens when you use it against the enemy. Finally, the AI is fed its own story, from which it tries to figure out whether the enemy was killed, injured, or unharmed.
  • AI-generated illustrations: Every entity gets an illustration generated by Stable Diffusion technology using either your GPU or the cloud.


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关于AI Roguelite特别声明

本站i For AI – 人工智能AI工具,一站式导航提供的AI Roguelite都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由i For AI – 人工智能AI工具,一站式导航实际控制,在2023年5月16日 上午9:17收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,i For AI – 人工智能AI工具,一站式导航不承担任何责任。


